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a few words about us


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Innovation & Quality


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Livix Inc. has quickly grown into a prestigious and trusted brand name in the commercial video network surveillance industry. To keep pace with rapid growth, we work with authorized re-sellers, dealers and support teams across the globe, We are proud to work with software developers, Re sellers, Dealers, Contractors & IT Companies here in the USA and Engineers and Manufactures all over the world.who help us serve all our customers that choose Livix Security Systems.

Livix believes in always staying ahead of the curve, by investing in R&D and visiting expos, conventions across the globe from Europe to Asia to implement all the latest technology the world has to offer.  By doing this Livix is assured that when our customers install a Livix camera, they are getting the best possible technology for their investment.

Livix customers know that when they have a Livix Surveillance System, they own the latest and greatest with the best support teams in the nation.



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